ln Stlle Wei.什么意思求翻译OK谢了?



ln Stlle Wei.什么意思求翻译OK谢了?


求Fcuz No1 中文歌词!!

Yeah Better Watch Out We Back In The Buildin(Say What What) F.cuz (Say What . 与众不同我和其他男人不同在你渴望得到的众多男人中我会成为主人公若是你就ok 一生都.




设计. 设计式样;时尚,更上一层楼;称呼;字体vtstyle [stail] n;用刻刀作装饰画希望帮助到你. 风格;类型,若有疑问;使合潮流vi,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步再看看别人怎么说的.

eleqant girl什么意思

eleqant girl有误,改成:elegant girl 气质高雅的女孩请看例子:The design of this fashion designer is in simple and elegant style. 崇尚简朴高雅,是这位服装设计师的风格.

So long as you happy, is my greatest comfort什么意思?

只要你快乐,就是我最大的安慰.So long as you happy, is my greatest comfort希望能帮到你的学习~谢谢采纳!


Time goes by and won't back. In the past one year,we have learnt many things, and lost many at the same time. I didn't catch the time to study so I failed on study, look at the .

“急求”英语翻译 谢了…

Hello! Let me help you,你好!让我来帮助你吧. 1) I believe that he can complete the task on time. 我相信他能按时完成任务2) You suspect that he will succeed?你怀疑他会成功吗? 3) I am not sure whether she would abide by its promise.我不敢肯定她是否会遵守诺言. Well, the answer is completed. OK?好啦,回答完毕. 可以吗?应该是对的吧.


汉译英: 1.how long do you live here? 2.你已经读过这本书了吗? did you have read this book? 3.我想他们可能后天搬进来. i guess they might move in the day after tomorrow.


去买本书就好啦~~想学好法语不用书是不可能的~~ reflets不错啊~我们现在就是用那本书的,全部打给你是不现实的,人家有著作权的啊~~到网上买不会那么贵啦,哪像我们是按原价买的,心疼死~~ 给我发EMAIL的时候要在主题将=讲清楚啊、·不然我会当垃圾邮件删掉的~~ 新年快乐·

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